
Rachel Leggett

Rachel Leggett, is an Ann Arbor-based front-end web developer, accessibility specialist, and knitwear designer. She spins some yarns about web development, web accessibility, and other tech topics in the DevYarns blog.

Just F*ing Ship It Challenge 2020 - My Project Recap

December 06, 2020

During October 2020, I participated in the Women Make Just F*ing Ship It Challenge to build and ship a project in one month. I built Start Designing Today, a collection of resources for aspiring knitting and crochet pattern designers. This is my recap post.

Why and How to Start Manual Accessibility Testing

November 12, 2020

Automated testing can only catch about half of all accessibility issues. Adding manual testing to your workflow is key. Learn why and how to get started with keyboard and screen reader testing.

How to Give a Talk Without Being an Expert

August 23, 2020

Don't wait until you are an expert to give a talk. I think you should submit right now! Here's how I came up with my first conference talk without being an expert.

© Rachel Leggett, Built with Gatsby